Jumper Cable Records

S2E1 • Discover Maura Streppa

Maura Streppa Season 2 Episode 1

Words don't seem to do justice when trying to describe the larger-than-life soul and voice radiating from singer-songwriter Maura Streppa. One that might have to do? Simply... sensational. Hang out with her and Jumper Cable Records as we kick off Season 2 of the podcast! We talk line dancing, Maura's cat Cowboy, and her latest single that you may have heard on Sirius XM's The Highway -- "Skinnier"

Maura's lyrics will recharge you, and we know the messages she leaves on this week's episode will resonate with you throughout this new year and all of time. 

Stream "Skinnier" on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4jAyO7gJFw1nAdhhcUh2Fk?si=00df1abab3e4477d